HomeGadgetHow to Create a Google Play Developer Account Step by Step -2023

How to Create a Google Play Developer Account Step by Step -2023

why we should learn google play console

In today’s time, many types of people are engaged behind jobs, but due to lack of skills, those people do not even get jobs, if we look at the jobs ratio of America, then 30 people out of every 50 people. It is such that he can take any kind of job by himself.

According to their skill, if we look at Britain, then out of every 70 people, 35 people can take any kind of job by looking at their skills, but if we look at the skill ratio of India, then only 19 people out of every 150 people. such is

So that you can take any kind of job on your skill, the main reason for this is that people in India just study, do not take any kind of skill, so they fall behind.

If there is some kind of deficiency in us, then it is the fault of the government somewhere, it uses students for its politics and due to the very bad education system of India, people are studying but they are unable to learn anything. have been

If we look at the education system of any country, from the very beginning, they add a subject to the children in studies so that they can go ahead and work as a coding language from the starting children in America. computer language and a language with it. They also do the work of teaching, as the Spanish language is taught in America from the beginning.

From which it is seen that even if any student does not fall, he can still become a translator or else he learns so much of coding language that he can get a basic job.

And if this is seen in India, then only education is done in India, in which you get history and politics, apart from this, there are other languages ​​that you only get information about studies, but if any person completes studies, then he can do any kind of jobs. don’t know what to do

Because all the company needs experts like if you have information about analytics then you should be aware of all types of sources or traffic.

This is the reason that our country is only studying and living its life by doing common jobs, our country needs to change the education system, now we can just wait for when it will change in India and according to experts, the education system of India Change happens very slowly, that is, we have to do the work ourselves.

At this time we have to make ourselves such that we can work even in our lifetime, we have to learn how to make a website, we have to learn how to bring traffic to a website and how can we create an application by ourselves. To learn, you have to give time to it, only then you will be able to learn.

If you know how to make a website or an application, then you can earn a lot of money by creating a website for others, and then you will also get many companies to which you can give your service.

You can take very good charges by making applications for others, in general, minimum 50000 thousand is taken for website design and more is taken for the application.

If you make a website then you have to learn Google Search Console and if you want to publish an application then you have to learn Google Play Console, we tell you some kind of the steps.

How to use Play Console step by step

When you register in Google Play Console, you have to give many types of information such as your content number, and your Gmail ID and if you have a website, then you have to give all kinds of information, after that, you have to give 25 dollars in Google Play Console. After this, you can easily create this account by filling in all the information.

If you want to develop an Android application, then through this you can register your application on your Play Store, with this you get your analytics reports and all your application information is easily available in Google Play Console. How to Google your application. is performing in the play store or what kind of update should you do in your application

Using the Play Console
In each selected app, you’ll see the following navigation items, categories, and pages

Dashboard: The app’s dashboard will help you through all the important steps to make your app available on Google Play. Also, once the app is launched, its important metrics will also be visible in the dashboard.

Inbox: All your messages from the Google Play Console are shown here.

Statistics: Here are reports with more detailed information about your app’s performance. These reports can also be customized to your liking.

Publish overview: Here’s an overview of any changes you’ve made to your app. With this help, it can be decided when to publish updates to the app.
to release

App publishes overview: View overviews for all your releases, on individual tracks.
Production: Create and manage production releases to make the app available to all people in selected countries.

Checkout: View and manage checks available to all, checks available to select people, checks available to employees in the organization, and advanced registration
Pre-launch Testing Reports: Before you launch the app, see what issues you’re facing when using it on different types of devices.

Device list: View and manage the devices your app supports.
App Bundle Explorer: Test each version of the app, download ArtFact, and see what Google

Play generates for delivery.
Setup: Includes “App full security”, “App sharing with organization workers”, and Advanced setting.

expanding reach

Store presence: Main store listing, Custom store listing, Store listing usage, LiveOps, Store settings, Translation service
Store listing performance: Store listing analysis, Conversions analysis quality

Ratings & Reviews: Ratings, Review Analysis, Reviews, Testing Suggestions
Android essentials: app overview, performance (critical info and performance test), app crash and ANRs errors, app size
to earn

Products: This includes “price of the app”, “products for purchase in the app”, and subscriptions.

Promo code: Give users a paid downloadable app, a free in-app purchase product, or a subscription.

Financial reports: See how much revenue your app is making from different types of products. This is broken down into categories such as Overview, Subscriptions (Overview, Number of subscriptions that remain, number of subscriptions that are canceled), Revenue, Buyers, and Conversions

Set up to monetize: Set up licenses for apps and receive real-time event notifications.

App Status: Check the status of your apps and troubleshoot policy issues as per Google Play policies.

App content overview: Tell us about your app’s content. This will ensure that it complies with Google Play policies.

Helps parents find quality apps for kids on Google Play, with teacher approval.
For more information on some of the most popular features, click on the links below:

Build and set up your app pricing your app
Set up checks available to all, selected people, or employees in the organization
View reports, statistics, and reviews
Learn about Android App Bundles and App Bundle Explorer
What’s new
Here are some popular resources with advice and up-to-date information on developing Android apps and games for Google Play.

Increase the number of people using the app

Localize your store listing

Google offers automatic machine translation for store listings. This, at times, includes information about the application that you may not have provided. This is why if you use a professional service to translate the “Details” section of the app, So your app can be searchable for users around the world and also appear first in search results. In the Play Console, you can purchase articles that have been translated by people from a third-party vendor.

If you are thinking that we have told you about publishing an application, then you can easily publish your game with the same process of gaming, but let me tell you that there are many eighteen applications for gaming. Approval is required then you get it through the company.

And this is not an application that you can easily publish any kind of application by downloading it, in this, you need permission from Google, then only your application will be published on Google’s play store.

And to understand this, you need to have technical knowledge, it is very important to have a good knowledge of coding, only then you will be able to make the application, by the way, tell you that there are many types of applications in the market, which without coding Help you to make applications. If you want to post on this topic then you can comment


If you are facing any kind of problem, then you tell us by commenting, our team will try to reply to your answer as soon as possible, you can also Gmail us, you will get Gmail by going to about us if you have Gmail or any other If any kind of content is not available then you can also message on our social media.

google help center for any type of question regarding application and website and google play console link here

Publish Your App In Google Play Console Free : ) Publish

Publish Link 1

Publish Link 2

Publish Link 3

Publish Link 4




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